
Are you keen on Mr. bean?? Take the ultimate Mr. Bean Quiz…

How does Mr. Bean paint his apartment?

Correct! Wrong!

How does Mr. Bean escape from the barbershop?

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Correct! Wrong!

What is actor's name?

rowan IG
Correct! Wrong!

Where is he from?

download 16
Correct! Wrong!

Choose the title of the episode.

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Correct! Wrong!

What color is Irma's dress?

Correct! Wrong!

What did Irma do at the end of the episode?

Correct! Wrong!

In the episode “The Curse of Mr. Bean,” Mr. Bean is seen buttering his bread. What did he use to spread the butter?

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Correct! Wrong!

What was the original name of Mr. Bean?

download 17
Correct! Wrong!

What is the color of Mrs. Wickets’ dress in "Mr. Bean: The Animated Series"?

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Correct! Wrong!

When was the first episode of Mr. Bean released?

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Correct! Wrong!

Who is Mr. Bean based on?

download 18
Correct! Wrong!

What is Mr. Bean’s girlfriend called?

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Correct! Wrong!

Where is Mr. Bean Here?

images 17 1
Correct! Wrong!

On the 25th anniversary of the show, where did Mr. Bean drive to?

image 6
Correct! Wrong!

Are you keen on Mr. bean?? Take the ultimate Mr. Bean Quiz…


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